Sunday, October 18, 2009

Birthday Math and the Symphony

Me and the family went to The Samurai for some "authentic" Japanese cooking...from Chinese chefs.
The little boy in the red was sooo cute.
赤いジャケットを着てる男の子はめっちゃ可愛かった !

Supposedly they usually light the onion on fire, but we were treated to a steamy spectacle instead !

The family and the birthday cake.
Everyone was wearing pajamas, so we only took a photo of our heads.

My favourite :)

Had my first experience of being part of the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra (SSO) this past week. 4 two and a half hour practices and one concert; it was fun. Too bad I started feeling awful on Wednesday night, just before my Math midterm. I made it through that test, fever, chills, aches and all. I hope I didn't fail.

The concert was yesterday and SOO good.

1. The Hebrides Overture: Fingal's Cave by Felix Mendelssohn
2. Violin Concerto in E minor by Felix Mendelssohn
3. Symphony No. 7 by Ludwig van Beethoven

All of the string section's arms, are so tired. Beethoven's 7th is like playing 16th notes for 50 minutes straight.
Jasper Wood came to play Mendelssohn Concerto and he was amazing. Super clear and sang on every note, his flashy bow and tail coat added to the evening.
I need to find new black wear for the next concert; I guess my dress just isn't long enough. Oops.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October Snow




